
School Administrators

Mr. Michael McGhee

Michael McGhee


Mr. AJ Barchetto

Mr. A.J. Bachetto

Assistant Principal, Supervisor of Special Education, and Child Study Team

Mrs. Leslie Madison

Mrs. Leslie Madison

Assistant Principal, Supervisor of Performing Arts, and Media

Department Supervisors

Mr. Dave Bennett

Mr. David Bennett

Athletic Director, Supervisor of Health and Wellness

Mr. Joe Costal

Mr. Joseph Costal

Supervisor of English, Social Studies, Reading, and ELL

Mrs. Nicole Gazia

Mrs. Nicole Gazia

Supervisor of Math, Business, Applied Technology, and Fine Arts

Mrs.  Michelle Mesghali

Mrs. Michelle Mesghali

Supervisor of Science, World Language, Family Consumer Science, and BioMedical Magnet

Ms. Angela Williams

Ms. Angela Williams

Supervisor of Guidance